Sunday, March 9, 2025

To Die For By: David Baldacci

Twists and turns and turns and twists.  Just when you think you've got some tiny part of the puzzle figured out, Baldacci throws a curve at you and you realize you have no clue!  The 6:20 man, Travis Devine is a charming and lethal a perfect combination in this all to prescient story.


Thursday, March 6, 2025

The Match By: Harlan Coben

I know the "star" of this series is Wilde, but I'm so enamored of Hester!  She is such an amazing character and has some of the best and snarkiest dialogue!!!  This installment delves deeper into Wilde's mysterious past and while it might seem like he gets some answers, one has to wonder if he got the full story!  Such a great series!

Monday, March 3, 2025

Fullfilment City By: E. M. Arons

Due to be published in May of 2025 and I hope people give it a chance. A prescient plot line of the pitfalls of advertising in this day and age, with big box stores and business, and a bit of a mystery to solve all rolled into one easily read novel.  This would be fine as a stand alone or great as the beginning of a mystery series.  Our protagonist Lydia is a complex character who feels real and her sidekick, Paul, provides charm, good looks, and sarcasm aplenty. I really enjoyed this.

Saturday, March 1, 2025

Bad Apples By: Will Dean


I CANT' BELIEVE WILL DEAN ENDED THIS BOOK THE WAY IN WHICH HE DID!!!! I gasped out loud and then called Mr. Dean a lengthy list of un-ladylike words!  I will say it again and again, Tuva is one of the most original and best protagonists EVER.  Bad Apples is a psychotic David Lynch/M. Night Shyamalan hybrid that you won't be able to put down.  Once you start reading you will be sucked into the vortex created by Dean and you have to surrender to it.  I need to get #5 in this series, ASAP!