Sunday, March 9, 2025

To Die For By: David Baldacci

Twists and turns and turns and twists.  Just when you think you've got some tiny part of the puzzle figured out, Baldacci throws a curve at you and you realize you have no clue!  The 6:20 man, Travis Devine is a charming and lethal a perfect combination in this all to prescient story.


Thursday, March 6, 2025

The Match By: Harlan Coben

I know the "star" of this series is Wilde, but I'm so enamored of Hester!  She is such an amazing character and has some of the best and snarkiest dialogue!!!  This installment delves deeper into Wilde's mysterious past and while it might seem like he gets some answers, one has to wonder if he got the full story!  Such a great series!

Monday, March 3, 2025

Fullfilment City By: E. M. Arons

Due to be published in May of 2025 and I hope people give it a chance. A prescient plot line of the pitfalls of advertising in this day and age, with big box stores and business, and a bit of a mystery to solve all rolled into one easily read novel.  This would be fine as a stand alone or great as the beginning of a mystery series.  Our protagonist Lydia is a complex character who feels real and her sidekick, Paul, provides charm, good looks, and sarcasm aplenty. I really enjoyed this.

Saturday, March 1, 2025

Bad Apples By: Will Dean


I CANT' BELIEVE WILL DEAN ENDED THIS BOOK THE WAY IN WHICH HE DID!!!! I gasped out loud and then called Mr. Dean a lengthy list of un-ladylike words!  I will say it again and again, Tuva is one of the most original and best protagonists EVER.  Bad Apples is a psychotic David Lynch/M. Night Shyamalan hybrid that you won't be able to put down.  Once you start reading you will be sucked into the vortex created by Dean and you have to surrender to it.  I need to get #5 in this series, ASAP!

Wednesday, February 26, 2025

Sea of Poppies By: Amitav Ghosh

While beautifully written, and I do love history, this was 500 pages of relentlessly horrible things happening to nice people.  There was no comic relief, no joy and no resolution to any story line. I was hard pressed to find an overarching story line that would go through all three books, and none of the individual story lines resolved in any way.  This is all relentless set up for book two. 

Wednesday, February 19, 2025

Who to Believe By: Edwin Hill

I have a new favorite Ediwn Hill book and it is Who to Believe!!  OMG!  The twists and turns are more impressive than a scenic mountain road and holy merde!...what characters!!!  The same story told the perspectives of 7 of the people involved each revealing pieces of the puzzle and other puzzles!  SO well plotted and totaling engaging!  This is the book that An Instance of the Fingerpost tried to be!

Saturday, February 15, 2025

The Second Hostage By: Jeffrey Deaver

Don't let the length of this story fool you, it packs a doozy of a punch mid way through! What really elevates this story is that, although it's a Colter Shaw story, Shaw's expertise is channeled through a different character for most of the story. Brilliantly done!  

The Never Game By: Jeffery Deaver

Full of Deaver's signature twists and turns and a fascinating lead character, The Never Game is a superb thriller that perfectcly starts the Colter Shaw series.  Expertly blending Shaw's upbringing with the action of the present day this story will intrigue, astonish and satisfy any thriller fan!

Tuesday, February 11, 2025

Dreams: The Many Loves of Fleetwood Mac By: Mark Blake

Because Fleetwood Mac is my husband's favorite band, I already know a lot about their history and their music.  Blake's work cobbles together previous articles he wrote and new interviews to take a new tact on the story of this classic group.  Blake has managed to write an engrossing biography from articles that work to form the narrative, and provides many perspectives on the band from band itself, those that worked with them and for them and people who had passing dealings with them.  Informative for folks who don't know the band, fun for those of us who do.


Thursday, February 6, 2025

Tales from Watership Down By: Richard Adams

Just as delightful and charming as Watership Down.   This sequel is comprised of three parts, the first two are full of the stories of El-abrairah and his faithful servant, Rabscuttle that we've grown to love from the first book. The third part returns to the everyday life on Watershed Down.  Simply wonderful reading!